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Can you revert back to the buddybar in the dashboard and front-end?

  • 9087877

    I’m using WP 3.3.1 and BP 1.5.5. I know if you add this code :
    define( ‘BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR’, false );
    to the wp-config.php it will revert it to the buddy bar in the front end, but the dashboard still uses the WP admin bar. Is there a way to use the buddy bar in the dashboard as well? The main problem with the WP bar in the dashboard is if you use the log-out from the dashboard using the WP admin bar to the far right, then it redirects to a “Page not found.” It doesn’t redirect you back to the home page.

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  • No. Even if it did, you’d have the WP toolbar and the BuddyBar sitting on top of each other.

    It should log you out in the standard WP fashion to the wp-login page.


    @djpaul, @hnla Well unfortunately it doesn’t redirect correctly and I have multiple installs of WP 3.3.1 and BP 1.5.5 on my localhost with just WP and BP activated on my server so it is a reproducible bug when you log-out from the dashboard using the top/right log-out link in the WP Admin Bar drop down menu. I am surprised being that its so easy to reproduce that you have not seen this previously.

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