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Cannot modify header information

  • Whenever I search for members or use any of the dropdown menus in any theme I get the message

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at ……./wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/members/members-loop.php:3) in ……../wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 868

    occurs on any bp theme I use..

    using latest WP version with latest BP plugin

    Any help will be most appreciated!

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  • stwc


    This happens a lot with PHP and has happened to me a lot with pluggable.php lately.

    I’m not more than a novice with PHP, but the advice I’ve seen to fix it (and it worked for me) is to edit pluggable.php and make sure that the file begins with


    with no blanks before it and ends with


    with no blanks after. I’m not sure why it goes wonky sometimes, but it seems to.

    Edit: Before mucking around, though, you’d better wait for confirmation from someone better informed than I, just in case, if you can.

    That’s usually the cause of this error, yes.

    Thanks for the replies!

    I made that change, but still the same error message..

    Any other ideas?

    Try the same with your functions.php file (deleting extra spaces at top and bottom) and then if that doesn’t fix it, I’d check on your wp-config.php file and see if there’s a space in there. I wrote about this error the other day as many people seem to have it:

    Thanks very much for the reply Sarah. I made sure there are no spaces on every one of the files mentioned & still get the dreaded error.. ugh! This is really driving me crazy & I’m about to call it quits on trying to figure it out, but it must be a simple fix somewhere.. any other suggestions will be most appreciated!

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