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Can’t import user’s birthday from CSV

  • @vinkgg



    I’ve been having this issue for a couple of days, just installed a plugin to Export/Import users to a CSV file, although i can see the Birthday Column in the file, when i change the birthday from a user, and import it into wordpress it doesn’t show the date, and i have to set it manually, but one by one would take a lot of time, since im importing around 1500 users.

    I also tried using different date’s format, but none was possible to import.

    This is a must since im building an intranet, and i have installed the birthday widget to show those who are celebrating their birthday at the current month.


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  • @vinkgg



    I really don’t know what to do, the support from the plugin doesn’t reply has been a week… and it was kind expensive as well.




    What are you exporting this csv out of? Is it from another WordPress or BuddyPress Site? If so, do you have all fields in your new intrasite setup like you did in the last one? If this is from some other social networking script, do all your data columns and things match up?



    I’ve managed to export the contacts list from the old intranet (made in .net) in an excel workbook, with that, i created each column matching the fields from wordpress and also my custom fields for buddypress as well.

    So far i can import the users with no problem, the issue is, is that in the old intranet they had a “birthday widget” showing the co-workers who are celebrating in the current month. I also added a “Birthday Date” column, but when i type the date, the Import Plugin does not take the data in.

    One thing i tried is to create the user in wordpress dashboard, type in all the fields from the user, including the birthday date and export it to a csv file, it did show the date in the column, so i copied the same format as it came from the file, and import it, but it does not import. I’ve tried different date formats but none of those worked out


    Any ideas?
    Thanks for the reply leog371



    Hmmmmm, well it simply sounds like the rows and columns might not be lining up exactly. Not sure.
    I have worked out many city meta data files the same way for the purpose of importing into WordPress and faced similar issues, it almost always came down to some columns or rows not exactly the same or something like that. I would do an export of your wordpress first and compare the files, if that didn’t get me any closer i might go into php-myadmin in my cpanel and export a copy of the database portion that has all of your users info and compare that to your .net export. I think that table is going to be one of the following : Either “wp_bp_xprofile_fields” or “wp_users”. Maybe if you compare those with your .net export and work them the same in excel it will be easier?
    Not really sure without seeing the files your working with.
    I will do a tutorial on that within the next day or so, lol.



    Hi There – Have you resolved this? What was the solution? I have the same thing.

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