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Can’t remove members from group

  • imanuelgittens


    Hi, I’m using the buddyboss theme which uses buddypress and the groups functionality is giving me some trouble. I can’t remove members from a group – I have to ban them then add them to another group. Is this a common problem?

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  • shanebp


    I have not heard of that issue before.
    Did you try asking the BuddyBoss support team?
    afaik – they include BP templates in their theme and that is probably the source of your issue.



    Thanks for getting back to me. I did reach out to their support but here is what they said

    I tried to remove the members from the groups but it looks like there is nug in buddypress itself. It doesn’t remove the member from the group.

    I tested the same thing with the wordpress default theme and the same result so it is a buddypress specific issue. Can you please once contact buddypress support and report the issue.

    So I’m not 100% sure right now what is the source of the problem.



    I cannot duplicate your issue with a WP theme like 2019.

    Here are some basic questions to help you narrow down the issue:

    Did BuddyBoss do their tests on your site or theirs ?

    Are you trying to delete from the front-end or the back-end?
    What kind of group is it – public, private, hidden ?

    Which BP template are you using?

    Did you check your error logs ?

    Have you try deactivating other plugins?

    If you can list the steps to create the issue – be specific and include screenshots – you could open a ticket here. Be sure to reference this thread.



    Thank you. I’ll go through these steps to narrow down the problem and create a ticket if necessary.

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