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Can’t upload avatar image under 451px

  • @dragoeco


    Hi, I have this error message

    “There was a problem cropping your profile photo.”

    when I try to upload an avatar image with a width of 450px and above. Starting to 451px it works (even with an height of 150px). I get a warning message only if I try to upload an image under 150x150px :

    “You have selected an image that is smaller than recommended. For best results, upload a picture larger than 150 x 150 pixels.”

    So, I suppose this problem doesn’t come from a setting option somewhere.

    The problem is the same when I switch to the default theme Twenty Fifteen and I have no other plugin activated (except HideMySite). Cover image works without problem. Cropping image works with Ultimate-member plugin and in WP admin -> Media -> Edit/crop as well.

    Wordpress (new install) v4.9
    Buddypress 2.9.2
    php 5.6
    GD enabled


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  • @dragoeco


    There is something really strange. When I define

    define( ‘BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_WIDTH’, 450 );

    to 150 (in /bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php line 35), instead of 450 originally, then I’m able to upload images from 151 of width. This must be the max-with but it behaves like a min-with. I continue my investigations…



    I’ve installed a WP on local and it works. Then I’ve installed a WP on a test folder and the problem happens again. So I guess this is a server problem. PRobably the GD or imagemagick library.

    GD is enable (version bundled (2.1.0 compatible)) but I can’t find imagemagick in the phpinfo. I’m hosted by OVH and have no idea how to proceed to activate it. I will make some further searches on Google…



    Ok, I found the problem. I had to swich from legacy to stable environment in my OVH admin section, then imagick is now enable. Hope this will help someone else 🙂



    One more thing: Edit your .ovhconfig in the FTP’s root and change :




    Then save and upload



    Whoa, this is a pretty obscure problem. Thank you very much for following up with your solution.



    The error seems to be back, uploading any photo under 452px causes the issue.

    The solution suggested by @dragoeco seems to work:

    define( ‘BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_WIDTH’, 150 );

    My installation uses the docker image: wordpress:php7.4-fpm-alpine

    My environment:

    PHP: 7.4.13
    WordPress: 5.7.1
    BuddyPress: 7.3.0
    GD: bundled (2.1.0 compatible)

    Plugins enabled:

    BuddyPress: 7.3.0


    Twenty Twenty-One: 1.2
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