Capitalize fullnames before they're entered in the database
I have a function that “capitalizes” strings, make the first letter of a word capital, the rest lower-case.
function nameize($str,$a_char = array("'","-"," ")){
//$str contains the complete raw name string
//$a_char is an array containing the characters we use as separators for capitalization. If you don't pass anything, there are three in there as default.
$string = strtolower($str);
foreach ($a_char as $temp){
$pos = strpos($string,$temp);
if ($pos){
//we are in the loop because we found one of the special characters in the array, so lets split it up into chunks and capitalize each one.
$mend = '';
$a_split = explode($temp,$string);
foreach ($a_split as $temp2){
//capitalize each portion of the string which was separated at a special character
$mend .= ucfirst($temp2).$temp;
$string = substr($mend,0,-1);
return ucfirst($string);
}Where can I apply nameize() to make sure the fullname from the form is capitalized before it is entered in the database?
The fullname field, field_1, is part of a loop in register.php. Where can I apply nameize() to just the field_1 value?
A CSS solution is no good. I also want to figure out how to make a two-part name required in the fullname field.
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