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Categorize Groups

  • @edeutsch


    Does anyone know how to categorize Groups?

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  • @nicolagreco


    you should use wp’s categories, create a function that adds that



    Hey Nicola, could you (or anyone else) give me further details on how to create a function that allows categories for groups in BuddyPress?

    I would like to force users to choose a category for their groups, and then list the categories on the home page. Clicking the categories should show a list of the groups in that category… something like that. Any ideas?

    Thanks a bunch.




    this weekend i’ll release a plugin: bpdev group extras that allows the admin to add more fields for groups, so you can add a field called “Category” and make it searcheable :D



    As a general suggestion, and maybe to put the thought out there to everyone, it might not be a bad idea to try to reign in the Group/Rank/Category hierarchy idea before anyone/everyone gets too used to the plugin idea of this.

    I think that if we’re going to categorize groups, then we should sub categorize groups, and then those members ranked above other members would have access to all of the sub groups. If that makes sense?

    This is an auths issue as well, and one that I’m going to keep in mind for later regarding bp auths.

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