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CDN with W3-Total-Cache & CloudFront

  • @lph2005


    Has anyone been able to get CDN with CloudFront and W3-Total Cache (dev version) working?

    Error: Unable to list buckets (check your credentials).

    Changed credentials several times, just in case. Even tried with a CNAME, just in case.

    So – if you’ve managed to get this to work then please let me in on the secret :)

    Thank you!

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  • @djpaul


    I’m not using the dev version of Total Cache, but the current latest stable release, and this works fine for me. Have you set up the bucket as well as a cloudfront distribution? Are the URLs correct?



    OK. Even Frederick was trying to help tonight but I ended up giving up. In about 5 minutes, I was able to order, confirm, and setup MaxCDN. The site is now being mirrored and works like a charm. I’m not sure what the problem with Amazon’s CloudFront is …

    CDN is much faster, though. It’s a nice touch :)



    Frederick had tried to help me with the CDN as well.. I got it working at one point then uploaded the new Dev. version to fix something else and it’s broken again… The other features are now working with the Dev. version of W3 Total Cache the CDN with Amazon is not as of this post…



    Ok after experimeting even more… I can get the CDN to work correctly, but a number of directories have to be excluded and YOU CANNOT UPLOAD your files via IE anything… works on chrome and Firefox.



    This plugin worked great and then the last version of it broke on me as well. No CDN. Everything else works.

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