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Centralize profile photo and cover image in multisite

  • @fuligjimmy


    Hi everyone,
    I wonder if there is a solution on my problem;
    I’m using WP 4.7.2 with BP 2.7.4 in a multisite environment.
    My site is a multilanguage with a subdirectory pattern (i.e. http://mydomain/en/, http://mydomain/de/, etc)
    I have multiblog enabled (define( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );)
    I would like to have one central community area but on each site in their own language where all activities and all users are present and can interact with each other.
    I have all this in place, no problem.
    The only problem is here: say a user registers on the “DE” site. Another user registers on “EN” site.
    The user on the “EN” site can see the user who registered on the “DE” site, but can’t see his Profile photo or his Cover image, and vice versa. I guess these images are uploaded to different folders.
    Is there any way to centralize this i.e. store all profile related images in one table/folder.
    It’s a bit annoying that you can see and interact with all users but you can’t see their profile images if they’re from a different sub-site.
    I hope someone knows the solution for this, I’m sure that I’m not the only BP user with this problem.

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  • @ptstockley


    I have exactly this same problem (and am also named Pete). I hope someone can help. 🙂

    Have you found a solution @fuligjimmy ?

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