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Change blog indenticon to user avatar

  • @modemlooper


    Is it possible to change the blog directory avatar to the users avatar. Has there been a change to other options besides those lame gravatars?

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  • @aronjay


    Site Admin-Options-look below..

    Good Luck..



    I’m referring to the generic avatar that BP uses when creating a blog. I want to change this to the person who created that blog.

    what you suggest is the wp mu avatars that has nothing to do with BP



    @Modemlooper — right now you can’t change the blog avatar.

    There is an open ticket in Trac for it:, so it is in the roadmap for future versions.



    I changed the url in the code to a folder on my host and when the blog is created it outputs an identicon name which is a number string. I would manually create and edit each one but for some reason after moving hosts this does not work anymore. I had to change the code back to show the generic ones. This is even buggy now.

    I am going to play around with it more. Each person has a personal blog on my site so I want the identicon to reflect that user.



    This is possible through some template trickery. Haven’t done it myself yet, and it would require an additional query per blog in the list you’re displaying (unless you make your own function to add the join in the original query.)

    I keep thinking of doing this, but the question is what to do when there is more than one blog author, and what to do for community blogs, etc…



    isn’t the person who created the blog the admin? I tried to get the profile avatar but the problem is each profile is considered a blog so to get using the bp avatar does not work just shows the default grey man.

    My site only has one writer per blog. This seems like the right way to go for buddypress. Since it’s a social platform having a blog connected to the users profile makes the most sense. Or, just getting rid of extra blogs and incorporate one blog per user inside profile.

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