Change cover image profile not upload
I’m creating a button that generates a modal with the form to change the cover photo.
function get_form_change_cover_image() { ob_start(); bp_attachments_get_template_part('cover-images/index'); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; } function changeCover() { $content = get_form_change_cover_image(); $output = "<div class='modal fade' id='modal_foto_portada' tabindex='-1' role='dialog' aria-labelledby='exampleModalLabel' aria-hidden='true'> <div class='modal-dialog' role='document'> <div class='modal-content'> <div class='modal-header'> <h5 class='modal-title' id='exampleModalLabel'>New cover/h5> </div> <div class='modal-body'> {$content} </div> <div class='modal-footer'> <button type='button' class='btn btn-secondary' data-dismiss='modal'>Clore</button> </div> </div> </div> </div>"; return $output; }
I found in a post that was solved by adding wp_footer () in footer.php, but the design of the page is done with beaver builder and that file can not find it.
Try adding the JS script in Customizing -> code from beaver builder, but I get this error:
TypeError: BP_Uploader.strings.cover_image_warnings is undefinedI would appreciate any kind of suggestion.
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