Insert the following line of code somewhere in your wp-config.php:
define ( ‘BP_GROUPS_SLUG’, ‘somethingelse’ );
Edited: This is basically from the codex ( woke up and saw someone editing a wp file.. jumped the gun
create a file called bp-custom.php and drop it in your plugins folder.
In this file add this and change the slug’s accordingly
@nit3watch wp-config is not a file that gets overwritten otherwise everyones site would go down every time one upgraded
Adding Constants to wp-config is an method set out in the codex as is bp-custom, not that I like adding bp stuff to wp-config particularly.
@PiManIII you should always check the documentation and do a quick search first as it’s a subject that crops up often have a look through the bp codex as there is a page on this subject. (scroll to bottom)
Alright, thanks! I will take a look.
Where can I change it’s appearance? I cant seem to find it in the .php files.
Any ideas? I want to change the menu text.
Im sure this is possible. Can some one point me to documentation? I cant find it in the codex