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change logo on wordpress login screen

  • @codyb


    Quick rundown, I am running WordPress MU 2.7.1 and I currently have the BuddyPress plugin activated. I have downloaded and activated the members only plugin, which basically means when you access my site ( it takes you to the wordpress login screen and you must login before you can access the buddypress members theme page which is exactly what I want. My question is does anyone know how to change the WordPress logo on the login page to a different logo? Thanks for your help

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  • @jeffsayre


    This is actually a WPMU question, but I think you should find an answer here:




    The forum link I provided is a free alternative to the premium plugins available at wpmu. I have not tried the suggestions in that link, so I do not vouch for them.

    Your other option is the paid route:



    Just to let you guys know I fixed this my adding the plugin called Add Logo to Admin. It allows you to change the WordPress logo on the login screen to whatever you want and you can also change the image in the admin dashboard as well using this plugin. Very easy to install and very easy to use. Here is the link to the plugin

    Just a sidenote, I was not able to utilize the onscreen upload function for the image. Even though I would upload the image it would not show up as an available image to select for the login screen. All I did was simply renamed my picture logo.jpg and stuck it in the directory of the plugin and it worked great. Hope this helps someone out down the road.

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