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Change menu items below user header

  • @brunothomas


    Hello guys,

    I’m new to wordpress themes customization so I’d like some help with a few questions.

    I’ve been running a buddypress community for some months now but I couldn’t find out these things:

    1) How do I remove items from the menu bar that’s below the user profile header? I tried via the usual Menu customization option in WP dashboard but couldn’t find it.

    2) How do I add a link to a custom page to that same menu and make it open within the same template, that is, showing the header and menu bar on the top of the content I created?




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  • @vapvarun


    @brunothomas You can try following codes to remove any specific tabs and subtabs

    function vap_remove_buddypress_profile_tabs() {
    	global $bp;
           // to remove main menu like friends.
           bp_core_remove_nav_item('friends' );
           // to remove sub nav favorites under activity.
           bp_core_remove_subnav_item('activity', 'favorites');
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'vap_remove_buddypress_profile_tabs', 999 );

    To create new tabs, you will have to create dedicated functions

    Custom Member Tab



    Thank you very much but but if I may ask a question in this topic,
    When I added buddy press site tracking option from the plugin I noticed the tab site, but I wish to remove it without deselecting the site tracking feature.
    As the reason I want to use the site-tracking feature is to let it record on activities such as when i upload new post on the blog and it shows on the activities page.
    In summary: do you kindly know a way i can remove or hide the site tab on the profile from users and visitors without deselecting the site tracking



    @keshabee You can use following codes

    function vap_remove_buddypress_sites_tabs() {
    	global $bp;
           // to remove main menu for sites.
           bp_core_remove_nav_item('blogs' );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'vap_remove_buddypress_sites_tabs', 999 );



    wow, it worked.
    Thank you very much you are a life saver



    🙂 Glad it worked



    This also remove the core feature.
    Remove messages, and you cannot message.
    Remove Profile link and you can’t see profile.

    Any idea why this happens?

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