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change string FRIENDS to CONTACT

  • @wenetwork



    I am setting up a page where I need mostly neutral terms and string, because of my clients. Since CONTACT is the generic term for FRIENDS, I would suggest to change associated strings within BuddyPress. In future releases a CONTACT can either be FAMILY related, CLOSE FRIEND related, FRIEND related, BUSINESS related or BLOCKED related (or whatever). Just an idea.

    friendship requests = Contact Request
    Friendship = Contact
    Friends = Contacts
    Friend = Contact

    Cheers to the team…

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  • @danbp


    The magic of your idea is that it is a very common idea 😉 But the most stunning thing is that you can modify this wording to absolutely what you want!

    Under the hood, BP comes with several component and provides the abality to get them in any foreign language. This is what everybody get, out of the box.


    it’s not because it exist, that you have to use it ! And it’s not because it is visible this way, that you can’t use another.

    The default wording respond to the most common BP usage, but they are not written in marble. Groups can be books, recipes, friends can be kids or buddy’s… The sky is the limit (beyond the strawberry field…) 😉

    Open-source projects like BP are very flexible. What you see is not only what you get, it is (or can be) mostly what you do with it, who create the final magic.



    Hi there,

    I know and I love the idea of flexibility. I already adjusted it to my needs. It was just a thought I had (I came across). I wanted to share this thought with all, since BuddyPress looks very professional by now 🙂

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