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change username to display name

  • @megin


    I would like to keep the friendliness of display in activity stream. I want to post @display_name instead of @user_login/@user_nicename in post activity stream and show @display_name as result post. Anybody please help me.

    Wordpress version : Version 4.5.2
    Buddypress Version 2.5.2

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  • @danbp




    Hi danbp,

    Thank you for your replay.

    My target is, show display_name all over the site.
    example:- while we are using @mention plugin, drop down user list shows the display_name. when we select any name, then the @display_name need to show on post field and also @display_name shows the activity display loops.



    Afaik you have to code something yourself. BP use only display_name for activities and @ mentions and bbPress, if active, also.

    See all existing _display_name related fn here.

    How WP get display_name is related in this topic.



    @megin your idea may be same hastag in facebook?



    Thanks @danbp.

    , yes almost same as Facebook. You have any idea about that?



    I am pretty sure this this not easily changeable and is hardcoded to use the login or nicename (depending on the value of the BP_ENABLE_USERNAME_COMPATIBILITY_MODE constant;

    Problem with display name is that because people can change that (unless you customise a site to prevent people doing that, but that’s not something we want to force on in BuddyPress), you can have situations where people swap display names (accidentally or maliciously) and then start receiving at-mentions intended for other people, etc.



    Thanks @djpaul.



    Hello @danbp

    Display name in buddypress activity stream is not showing once posting any activity.

    It was showing earlier but all of a sudden its not showing for newly registered users. Please check the screenshot below:-

    B’coz of this the {username} field is not showing in email templates as well when someone is inviting others, group invitations etc. wherever involved.

    Any help will be very much appreciated. I’m using KLEO theme.




    Hi all – I have a multisite setup and I have yet to find a functional plugin or any other solution to change the @username on a profile to something more pertinent, in my opinion, like the nickname.

    Any solutions for me?

    THANKS! Very much appreciated.



    I am looking for an option as well. I do not like having my nickname showing on the profile and would like the nickname instead.



    This is important for me to figure out as well, because my login for my site is “admin”. While I don’t mind if my role says “admin”, I don’t want that showing as my profile name. I need to change this!



    Update, I found a way to change the literal username, but if you’re admin, I don’t recommend it particularly if you are admin of a multi-site setup as I am. I had to change my username back to get to the multi-site administration area. Either way, the change did not hide the login name, it only changed it. Not the solution any of us are after.



    Did anyone find a solution to this?

    I am using firebase single sign on and all of my usernames are set to some random string like “12noainoneionfe”

    So the @username mention looks terrible….

    I need to find a way to update the @username mention to use some other user meta field ideally.

    Need some help please!

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