I’m not 100% sure what you are trying to achieve. Do you want to add an extra filtering option on the activity list? This will involve some UI work as well as a call to bp_has_activities() template tag.
I think you might be getting confused between the bp_has_activities() template tag, and the bp_has_activities hook / filter.
It’s the template tag bp_has_activities() that lets you set ‘display_comments=stream’ as a parameter. I think you want to working with this template tag, and not the filter.
As a filter bp_has_activities accepts 2 parameters which you would then have to work with and modify (the list of activities, and a reference to the activities template).
14 years, 6 months ago
I’m back again with a new job!
I would like to activate “stream” as a display option in the activities of my friends in my profile. I hope you know what I mean …?
I tried with this code in my functions.php, but had no success so far …:
function tf_threaded_or_stream( $display_comments ) {
global $bp, $activities_template;
if ( ‘friends’ == $bp->current_action )
$display_comments = ‘stream’;
return $display_comments;
add_filter( ‘bp_has_activities’, ‘tf_threaded_or_stream’ );
Maybe someone has a solution, or a tip how I can filter the function “bp_has_activities” correctly?