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Changing Email Content based on Situation (Taxonomy) in Code

  • @bgorbett


    I have a pretty detailed email template I want to use in BuddyPress that the email post type can’t handle even with adding my own header and footer before and after {{{content}}} in single-bp-email.php.

    What I am trying to do now is figure out how to load all the email content in single-bp-email.php and change the content within based on situation (email taxonomy). For instance, when it is a friend request, I would change my link button to {{{friend-requests.url}}} or {{{activate.url}}} when the situation is registered for account.

    Is there a reasonable way to do this? Would I iterate through the email taxonomy terms to get the default ones. Is there a list of these somewhere? is the deepest discussion on custom emails I could find.


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  • @dcavins


    Sounds like an interesting problem.

    You can get all the email situation terms by using a WP taxonomy function, like:

    $terms = get_terms( array(
        'taxonomy' => 'bp-email-type',
        'hide_empty' => false,
    ) );

    Though I’d probably spend a bit more time trying to make the built-in email templating system work. It’s pretty flexible, with the templing layer and the classes you can overload if necessary.



    Is it possible to determine which taxonomy is being used in single-bp-email.php using get_terms? It seems like I had it working, but now the email sends content based on all situations.



    I actually meant using get_the_terms. I am not returning any terms when using this in single-bp-email.php:
    global $post;
    $terms = get_the_terms( get_the_ID(), ‘bp-email-type’ );

    Is there a better way to determine which situation (term) is being called?



    Are you sure that get_the_ID() works in that situation (it has to be used in a loop)? What happens if you access the ID like this:

    global $post;
    $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'bp-email-type' );



    I am guessing that is the problem since neither method are returning any ID.

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