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Changing group slug

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  • @shemakeswebsites


    Update! I found a snippet to change the slug…but that doesn’t fix the problem.

    function ts_change_groups_slug(){
    	global $bp;
    	$bp->groups->root_slug = 'teams';
    	return $bp->groups->root_slug;
    add_filter( 'bp_get_groups_slug', 'ts_change_groups_slug' );
    add_filter( 'bp_get_groups_root_slug', 'ts_change_groups_slug' );

    How do I change the default “groups” page to another page of my choice? Thank you.



    @shemakeswebsites just change the group page slug from groups to regional-groups



    Hi Varun, thank you for your response. But I’m not really sure how to do that without affecting the page that currently uses the “groups” slug. Is there a way to change the page end point from groups to regional-groups? I wasn’t able to locate any setting for this.

    I have a site that currently uses:

    When I enable Buddypress groups, the content of this page is overwritten with the Buddypress groups content. I cannot change the content from my current groups page to another page as I have a lot of printed material that references that particular page. So I am hoping there is a way to have the Buddypress groups content appear on another page (



    Just trying to see if anyone has any input on how I would go about addressing this issue. 🙂



    It’s simple to do.

    Create and publish a page entitled ‘Regional Groups’.
    Go to the BuddyPress Settings:
    For the User Groups setting, chose ‘Regional Groups’ from the drop down.
    Then click ‘Save Settings’.

    BuddyPress will use the Regional Groups page.
    And you can use the Groups page for whatever you want.



    Oh my goodness – I don’t know how I missed that. I was jumping between browsers and I guess I was looking at a dashboard with “Groups” disabled.

    All is well, I found it. Thank you for leading me out the dark. 😉

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