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child theme background – repeate image, then a fixed image, then repeate again?

  • @nit3watch


    Hi for my background I would like to have a image repeate on x, then have a fixed image and then a repeate image on x again? Would I have to create a whole new theme or can I somehow achieve this in the ccs of the child theme?

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  • @nit3watch


    It would look like this as an example but obveously this wont work
    body {
    background: #eaeaea url( ../images/background.gif ) top left repeat-x, url(../images/backgroundShine.jpg), #eaeaea url( ../images/background.gif ) top left repeat-x;

    Just so you know, using multiple background does not work in all browsers and is buggy in others.

    Here is a good guide:



    @dennis_h so would you suggest I create like a 3 div layout and give the left and the right the repeated image with the center div containing the fixed image?

    nvm, reading the tut u said, they have backwards comparability.. Its not the end of the world if the fixed image isn’t there so ta.




    @dennis_h I tried posting on the adobe forum but its giving me some error, really over adobe customer support..

    If I wanted the images to display on x, backgroundrepeat.jpg repeated then backgroundcenter with a fixed size/centered and the backgroundrepeat.jpg repeated.. How would I achieve this, I think I am meant to declare the width the center image but this is boggeling my mind. Any idea’s?

    body {
    background: url( ../images/backgroundrepeat.jpg ) repeat-x left;
    background: url( ../images/backgroundrepeat.jpg ) repeat-x left ,
    url( ../images/backgroundcenter.jpg ) 0 0 no-repeat,
    url( ../images/backgroundrepeat.jpg ) repeat-x right;

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