Your best bet is to modify the css for the theme. I use Fifefox with the plugin Firebug. This allows you to highlight different sections of the site and see its styling and modify till you get things right and then apply that to your actual code.
Your problem is not buddypress related and is better suited in a html/css forum.
I also use firebug a lot but I can’t seem to find the corresponding css style.
Edit: Okay, I have found it using Chrome developer tools. It is this line:
“.subcontentpost { margin-bottom: 15px;}”
I’ve fixed this and will upload to WP repo when BP gets updated.
@modemlooper Sounds great. (:
Two more questions…
When updating the theme, how can we maintain custom css changes without editing custom.css after updating?
Is it possible to show the ad code (sidebar.php) only on certain wordpress pages. Because I would like to hide this ad code on most buddypress related sites.
One more suggestion, how about adding ajax pagination for latest blog posts and or maybe ^^ make ’em sortable by date, most hits and most comments. (:
See screenshot:
I have just noticed that blog comments don’t show within the activity stream.
Blog comments not showing within the activity stream might be a bug referring to blocking search engines.
But have you noticed that there is a huge gap when replying to an activity? See screesnhot: