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  • @grosbouff


    Hi…Big news here.

    But (in parts) bad news :

    I was cleaning the code of my plugin, which is at this point almost finished.

    I was trying to find a reliable way to handle categories and tags : my code is working but categories and tags are in 2 different custom tables (the code is a little dirty); there is no admin page to manage them…

    Well, I was looking at how WordPress was handling them because I wanted the code to be strong enough to keep maintaining my component in future easily.

    Then I start to look at the taxonomy system.

    Then I saw that WP 2.9 will include custom post types…

    And then… I’m half disappointed, half excited :

    Half excited, because “custom post types” means that you will be able to define new post types (-actually, there is just “pages” and “posts”), like, let’s say … “classifieds”.

    That means that you will be able to use the WP dashboard to write a classified like you write a post, and use categories and tags for those classifieds as you do for a post. Those categories or tags will not be those you use for your posts but custom ones just for your “classifieds” post type.

    The wire for a classified is no more necessary as you can will be able to use the core comments system with your classified.

    Idem for pictures that you will be able to upload and attach directly from there.

    That also means that you will be able to search,filter and display those classifieds with the same functions that you do for your posts.

    Well, well, that means that this is a big step for WordPress…

    But this is also a disappointment for me because that means that lot of the time (several months so far – not full time of course, and i’m an autodidact) I spent to write my plugin was useless as now, the WP core will be able to do by itself a lot of what I wrote in my plugin.

    So I think that it would be a wide decision to wait that the custom post type stuff came and to… almost start writing a new plugin from scratches.

    Yes, some pieces of my work will still be reusable to make all this “buddypress-friendly” (attach classifieds to groups, notifications, etc), but 95% of my actual code will potentially be useless as WP core function will do the same, and better.

    But from what I read, we don’t know exactly when all that stuff will came. Some parts of the functions will be available in WP 2.9 but it’s not sure that the whole thing will be usable in that version, neither we know when WPMU 2.9 will be out : in the trac, they say

    I really see no reason we cannot get this into 2.9 since a large majority of the work has been completed already. Even if we only get some of the basic functionality of this into 2.9 it would still be a big help and a basis of something to build off of for 3.0.


    Well… think the best thing to do should be :

    STEP 1 :

    Sleep. Cry. Sleep. Howl. :)

    STEP 2

    -restart from scratches if I feel the courage for it :)

    -write a new plugin that creates a new blog just for Classifieds at the plugin’s activation.

    -All the members of the BuddyPress installation would be members of that blog and so have the capability to write posts.

    -Use the posts on that blog as the “classifieds” displayed in the BuddyPress site.

    -Control the data sent – number of images used in the post, number of chars, post boxes displayed, etc).

    -Add the BP features for notifications, activity, “attaching” classifieds to groups and so.

    -use that blog as the basis of my plugin; then

    STEP 3

    This will be able to make the component ready for WP 2.9 or WP 3.0…

    There shouldn’t be lots of stuff to modify in the code. change the post types of the posts in the custom blog to “classifieds”, move them to the main blog and add specific capabilities to decide who can do what. Example : you could be able, as subscriber, to write classifieds but not posts or pages.

    And why not differenciate classifieds written on the main blog and classifieds written on a user’s blog, if any (ex. company blog).

    STEP 3b

    Add a BP-friendly posting system ?

    So here’s where I am.

    As I said I’m feel a little sorry.

    Maybe I should have though of handle the data from my component from a blog from the beginning. But that when we make mistakes that we go further !

    The good thing is that I learned a lot about WordPress & BuddyPress and that I know now what I can do with it, and i’ll release my own BP project soon or later. And that once that custom post type system will be available, writing the classifieds component should be a piece of cake, or almost.

    If I feel it, i’ll start to rewrite it soon as I explained it in step 2. But I have a lot of work now so I’m not sure I will be able to do this at this moment. I’ll tell you about it in a few days.

    Anyway, RIP (for the moment) my-custom-component :) You can still see some pictures of the work achieved here :

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  • @anonymized-96400


    Hmm, that’s too bad. I need a classifieds plugin and I cannot/don’t want to use the blogs for that. They are being used for something different. Would you mind sharing your code with me so I could finish it off? That’d be great. No point in reinventing the wheel…



    Aargh – that is disastrous news – I have a site project that has classifieds at it’s core and front end, and your plug-in sounds just the ticket for it (I’d half decided to go with a WPMU+BP engine) as I refuse to pay $200 to Noah’s for what is supposed to be an open source script.

    Grosbouff, please press on with the project (I prefer the route of a dedicated blog to house the classifieds) because I am sure you will pick up “early mover” advantage and community acceptance based on that.

    Good luck




    That is bad new Grossbouff.. I feel bad for you, that you’ve put so much work in something only to find out, the WP team has been working on a solution already.. BUT;

    It seems you’ve almost finished your plugin, and I think it would be a mistake to not release it.. There are many BP powered sites out there, which are running custom code and have a big userbase.. this means they will be hesitant to upgrade BuddyPress or WordPress as fast as the hobbyists do (no offense =D).. So they might really like a custom made plugin, which stays away from their core setup… I think there would be quite a few people really happy with your plugin as is, and you can continue developing a new plugin on the side…

    Anyways good luck!



    @Travel-junkie :

    why is that a problem for you to store all this in a blog ?

    You say you cannot/don’t want to use blogs…

    Cannot : why ?

    Don’t want : because it means you should use the dashboard to post a classified ?

    I’m thinking about a way to be able to post them directly from buddypress.

    The thing is that for me, a classified component SHOULD need a category system, and that is something that’s difficult to code… Using the custom post types would make that very easy.

    Well, tell me what you think of that.

    Thanks !

    @Bowe : maybe that I can release that as it is. But releasing it as a reliable component would mean that I should finish the tags & categories system and debug it… and I’m not sure I want put more time in something that will no more be useful in some weeks, or will need more code to make the upgrades possible.

    Except if you’re ready to edit the categories directly in phpmyadmin….



    @grosbouff: It would be great if you released it is – you buy you break. Others from the buddypress community then have the option to pick up your work at take is the last mile or so.



    Because the whole blogs are used for a completely different purpose. Classifieds won’t fit into that context, no matter how much you separate them or use different post types.

    Basic categories won’t be too hard to code. It’d be great if you could release your code as is. I could take it from there, if it’s alright with you.



    Ok, i’ve started rewriting the plugin (as a blog) and it seems promising !

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