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Codex topic fails in Buddypress 5?

  • @markbildner


    How to Add Members to a Group via WP Users Screen

    This does not seem to work in buddypress (I’m on 5.5). Can anyone spot the problem? It’s a REALLY important feature because adding users to groups from the Groups screen is super-slow if you have to do a lot of names.

    My guess is that the group_id is not making it back from the popup, but I’m not smart enough to know if that’s true or how to fix it.

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  • @markbildner


    Sorry I meant buddypress 6.2, WordPress 5.5 Not sure how I fix this post.



    Please check your php error log.
    And open your browser’s inspection tool and check the console for javascript errors.
    Then post the error(s) here.



    Thanks for your offer of help! I am not seeing php errors. As for the javascript, it pops up the box and I submit. But then the page reloads but no action occurs. I put some logging into the code (see below) It looks to me like $_REQUEST is not set and so the loop never executes at all. This returns false false false

    function console_log($data){
      echo '<script>';
      echo 'console.log('. json_encode( $data ) .')';
      echo '</script>';
    function add_users_to_bpgroup() {   
        if( bp_is_active('groups') ):
                  console_log(isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ));
                  console_log(isset( $_REQUEST['bp_gid'] ));
                  console_log(isset( $_REQUEST['allusers'] ));
            if( isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) && isset( $_REQUEST['bp_gid'] ) && isset( $_REQUEST['allusers'] ) ) {
                $group_id = $_REQUEST['bp_gid'];
                $users = $_REQUEST['allusers'];
                foreach ( $users as $user_id ) {
                    groups_join_group( $group_id, $user_id );
            //form submission
            add_action( 'admin_footer', function() { ?>
                <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
                    jQuery("select[name='action']").append(jQuery('<option value="groupadd">Add to BP Group</option>'));
                        if(jQuery("select[name='action'] :selected").val()=="groupadd") { e.preventDefault();
                            gid=prompt("Enter a Group ID","1");
                            jQuery(".wrap form").append('<input type="hidden" name="bp_gid" value="'+gid+'" />').submit();



    If it helps, I did a clean wordpress installation (5.5), with the twentytwenty theme, and the only two plugins were Loginizer and Buddypress. PHP is 7.4

    I still got the same result. It ran, didn’t create any errors, but it didn’t join the user to the group.

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