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Combining Gravity Forms With Buddypress

  • 000000000


    I’m trying to add a form in the sidebar of a specific Buddypress page (in this case, the ‘Activity’ page) like so:

    However the form does not submit properly, I see the spinning icon to show that *something* is being processed. However after that, nothing happens.

    I get no confirmation message and receive no validation messages if I input anything incorrectly.

    I’ve tried another form in the same place and that doesn’t work either. However, if I view a standard page on the website (e.g. a page that I’ve created myself, such as ‘About Us’) then the form works fine there.

    I’ve also upgraded both plugins to the latest version but with no joy.

    Has anyone else had this issue or does anyone know a way around it?

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  • Roger Coathup


    turn off AJAX based submission on your gravity form — does that fix the problem?



    Thanks, but still no luck :(

    Even when I disable AJAX, the page reloads and the data I input to the fields is still sitting there, but with no result message or validation errors

    Roger Coathup


    try adding this to your theme’s functions.php — there is a known problem with Gravity and BP (should have mentioned this originally!):

    function bbg_switch_gf_hooks() {
    remove_action(‘wp’, array(‘RGForms’, ‘maybe_process_form’), 9);
    add_action( ‘bp_actions’, array( ‘RGForms’, ‘maybe_process_form’ ), 1 );
    add_action( ‘init’, ‘bbg_switch_gf_hooks’, 99 );



    Thanks, although that doesn’t work either unfortunately!

    I was recommended this too ( which looks quite similar but neither seem to fix my problem :O



    I’m also interested in a solution to this.

    What versions, specifically, of BP and G-Forms are you using?

    Did you ask G-Forms about this issue and if so what exactly did they say?

    Roger Coathup


    @shanebp — we use Gravity without problem on a couple of our BuddyPress sites — the fix above repositioning the action has been the only mod we’ve needed to make (other than disabling AJAX form submission).

    Are you having a specific problem with them, or same as @pealo86?




    BP 1.5.5, WP 3.4, GF

    Registration attempts via our mobile theme recently started to fail.
    Submit results in refresh of page with fields inputs showing.

    Thought it might be a s2member conflict…
    So confirmation that a GF issue exists is helpful – thanks.

    GF instances, like the reg form, are shared across the desktop and mobile themes.

    The fate of the mobile theme is being decided, so I haven’t dug around much or tried your -disable ajax or -switch hooks fixes.

    So mainly I was just bumping the thread.

    Roger Coathup


    @shanebp — yeah, we have s2member on the same sites — and not getting a conflict.

    We’re using s2 for the registration forms though (plus a few mods), with gravity picking up on some heavy loading for us on user content submission.

    3.4 / 1.5.5 /

    Roger Coathup


    p.s. I think the switch action fix is a must if you want GF to work with BP

    The action fix is necessary if you want your GF forms working on/from a BP screen, it was originally a fix I requested of GF support when attempting to process a form rendering on a bp new account screen which was simply failing silently, this was their provided solution.



    APologies for jumping into this thread, but I couldnt help as this is related to my problem.

    I have two questions:
    1. is the issue now fixed
    2. will it be possible to embed gravity form into a tab on the member profile. we want to have an experience tab (next to profile, activity, settings) where the user can view and edit job experience.

    is there a better way of doing this please?

    would really appreciate any comments


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