Make sure to test plugins and themes by deactivating them and switching theme
Hey modemlooper,
Thank you very much for the reply.
I have switched my theme (child theme) to main theme (buddy theme) and also to the default wordpress theme 2015.
The comment still does not appear to work on any of the themes.
Also I have deactivated all the plugin still it does not work. :S
Hey modemlooper sorry to bother you, any thing else i should try to get the comment to populate on the activity page ?? 🙁
Hey Dear
Thanks for sharing the helpful Information about this I dont check my plugins and activate the theme on my wordpress site
Hey modemlooper,
Sorry for the late reply. I have found the reason of the problem. It as you have suggested. It was one of the plugin which was causing an issue.
Really appreciate your help 🙂
9 years ago
Hey All,
I am having a problem with BuddyPress Activity Comments and reply.
When I post content to buddypress activity i can see the content without any problem, but when a user or even myself comment on any activity the comment does not show up. On inpect-element it shows
<div class="acomment-content"></div>
is empty.I can see the person has made a comment, i can see the avatar pic and everything other then the comment content.I have looked into the comment.php in the activity folder it seems like
<?php bp_activity_comment_content(); ?>
is not returning comments. In the admin panel under activity i could see all the comments made by me or other user but it just would not populate in the front end.
I have searched through the forum and some user has suggested that the
“Allow activity stream commenting on blog and forum posts”
should be ticked, i have that ticked. I have turned off
“Discourage search engines from indexing this site”
just to check as suggested by some user that too did not work.
I am running out of ideas and have not come across anything on the net regarding this issue. Would highly appreciate all your help.