Ps: the example of the problem: when user edits he sees this:
<a href='' rel='nofollow'>@m_ention</a>
Is there a way to be only @m_ention even when edit?
Thank you
It’s likely the comment area is plain text, which is why you will see HTML instead of links, images and so on. You will need to use something like TinyMCE to provide your site users with rich text editing.
Thank you Henry. You are absolutely right.
Shame there isn’t a way to exclude the tags in edit without using editor.
7 years, 9 months ago
We are struggling to find a way to allow users to edit their comments… there are some plugins doing that as for example WP Super Edit, however, the problem is that it shows html tags as for example in @m_entions
Please, is there any way we can allow users to edit their comments without showing html tags?
Thanks a lot