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Completely Re-naming The Groups Component

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  • @erich73


    check your language-files at
    ……/plugins / buddypress / bp-languages

    There should be a .pot file which you open with a software named “POEDIT”. Just Google for this software and download it for free.
    Then change the wording to whatever you want.
    Then you save the customized file with two different format-extensions (.po and .mo) and upload both of those files to your server (into the same folder where the .pot file is).



    Thank you. There are 4,325 lines in that file though, would I literally have to go through and change every instance of the word group?



    the software POEDIT has a search-capability build-in. Just search for the word “Group” in that file.
    There are actually not that many strings containing the word “Group”, maybe 10 or 20 lines which contain that word.

    ctrl + f in most text editors will allow you to search.

    Make sure you follow the instructions here:

    “….For those of you using a text editor, although you can search and replace to make changes, make sure that you are not editing msgid entries. Your custom text goes into the lines labeled msgstr only. For each customization you’ll need to enter your customized text between the quotes on the msgstr line….”



    My computer is telling me it is a PowerPoint file, I can open it with bbEdit, but POEDIT will not open it. I started going through it with bbEdit first and changed probably 20 instances already and not even an 1/8th of the way through.



    Copy the .pot and rename it as .po.
    Open the file in PoEdit and you should be golden!



    Alright cool, got it open now, but new problem, it won’t let me change anything.

    If found it easiest to use a text editor (wordpad, etc.) to make the changes then open it in PoEdit then save it (that will create the .mo file you need).



    So open the .pot with POEDIT, save it as .po and .mo files, then edit these two in a text editor?



    I went through the .po file and that had no effect, and when I open the .mo file it just says

    copy the pot file from BP
    rename it .po
    edit it with a text editor
    save it in the text editor
    open it in poedit and save it
    upload the .mo file per instructions here:
    create a file titled bp-custom.php and add the code as instructed in the above link
    upload the bp-custom.php file to your WP plugins folder

    you should never have to open the .mo file



    I can follow all their instructions to the point it says to run the script to your server: msgfmt -o buddypress-mysite.po
    using terminal if you are on a mac. I know what terminal is but I don’t really know what it does or how it works and from what I always understood it is something that effects your own computer, not something you do web design with.

    If you are using POEDIT you don’t need to do that. That method is used to convert a .po file to a .mo file. When you save a .po file in POEDIT it should automatically create a .mo file so you don’t have to do that. Just look for the new .mo file in the same directory you saved the .po file.

    BTW when saving a file in poedit make sure to change the default “Team” and Team email address in Catalog > Settings otherwise you may get a error.



    Also note that it may take up to fifteen years for the language file to start working on your site after the revisions are made. (Okay, not that long, but a while.)

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