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conditional logic to generate a post over a comment

  • @bfonseca



    I am trying to implement “push” of buddypress group comments in a mobile (native app).

    I am having having to find a native vendor who support buddyp comments pushing to IOS/Android.,

    most apps”aware” e vendors like wiziapp and appresser can have push for post out of box.

    Based on the above, Here is what I was thinking.

    1) Implement smart “aware for new posts in buddypress (groups)
    2) implement start “aware code” for comments made on group topic updates.

    For 1
    Everytime someone create a topic in my buddyp group, the conditional logic also create a post instead of a comment for that particular new “topic”. it could check every 5 minutes or so or be encapsulated inside the wp_comments, so for every comments it creates and deletes a post.

    For 2
    Similar to 1, for every comment over a topic, the wp_comments also creates a post over that topic, and read all users involved in that topic. and generate and delete a post. (to/or somewhere else hided)

    By creating and deleting posts over wp_comments, I will be technically able to implement “app aware” for buddypress comments which is something doesn’t exist today.

    Can anyone help me on that ?

    My buddypress is not intense, but I would be great to have pushs for comments so that my users will get notice of updates in their topics in their mobile without the need of open the app.

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