config file
I am trying to change the URL where non-loggedin users are being redirected. To do this i did:
1. Add the next code to function.php:
function redirect_nonloggedin_users($current_uri, $redirect_to) {
// Redirect users to the homepage
// Caution! Exclude the homepage from ‘Private BuddyPress’ options
// to avoid redirection loops!
return get_option(‘siteurl’) . ‘/?from=’ . $redirect_to;
}add_filter(‘pbp_redirect_login_page’, ‘redirect_nonloggedin_users’, 10, 2).
2. Create the file:”C:xampphtdocspruebawp-contentpluginsbuddypress-private-community-configmm-buddypress-private-community-config.php”
with the next content:MM_BUDDYPRESS_PRIVATE_COMMUNITY::$WP_SUB_FOLDER = ‘prueba’;
MM_BUDDYPRESS_PRIVATE_COMMUNITY::$ALLOWED_URIS = Array(‘/contacts’, ‘/about’, ‘/welcome’, ‘/pagina-ejemplo’);
MM_BUDDYPRESS_PRIVATE_COMMUNITY::$REDIRECT_TO_URL = site_url(‘pagina-ejemplo’);However, it seems not consider de config file altought i think i have saved it in the correct directory.
Any clues?
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