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Contact Form using Logged in information

  • @adamwiththehair


    Hi all

    Looking even better every day I come here!

    Just a quick question. I want to have a section on my site using a contact form that sends information to my email address. At the moment, I have it set up just using Contact Form 7 plugin for WordPress. The problem is that this contact form requires the user to enter their name / email address etc and then send the form. Is there any way that I can just have a text area for contact text, and then the email is sent using the information of the person that is logged in?

    Simply, when a user is logged in, they can type a title of their question, and then the text. I then receive an email saying, “User1 (email address) has asked a question!”.

    Hope that makes sense.


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  • @enlightenmental1


    I have achieved something similar…

    I added a report a member/contact link

    which takes them to a custom page template that gathers all their information:

    – username

    – name

    – email


    this information then gets placed in hidden input fields… when they submit the contact form, I get their message and all their information (they dont even know I get their name, email etc)

    I am not using a wp plugin for the contact form, just some php

    that is one way of doing it



    sounds like what I am looking for! would you mind going through how you did it?



    sorry, i hate bumping, i know, but i rly need an answer to this!!

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