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Create new subnav with a static link

  • Max Zhubr


    Hi there, All!

    How can I make a subnav with a static link in profile?
    I’ve got an Events+ plugin installed, and I’m trying to add a subnav link to the profile tab called “Events” with a static link, that should redirect to page /events/.

    Here is the code of the BP connected part of plugin:

    Plugin Name: BuddyPress: My Events
    Description: Adds an Events tab to your user profiles.
    Plugin URI:
    Version: 1.0
    AddonType: BuddyPress
    Author: WPMU DEV
    Detail: Displays lists of user RSVPs on your users member pages.
    class Eab_BuddyPress_MyEvents {
    	private $_data;
    	private function __construct () {
    		$this->_data = Eab_Options::get_instance();
    	public static function serve () {
    		$me = new Eab_BuddyPress_MyEvents;
    	private function _add_hooks () {
    		add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'show_nags'));
    		add_action('eab-settings-after_plugin_settings', array($this, 'show_settings'));
    		add_filter('eab-settings-before_save', array($this, 'save_settings'));
    		add_action('bp_init', array($this, 'add_bp_profile_entry'));
    	function show_nags () {
    		if (!defined('BP_VERSION')) {
    			echo '<div class="error"><p>' .
    				__("You'll need BuddyPress installed and activated for My Events add-on to work", Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN) .
    	private function _check_permissions () {
    		$post_type = get_post_type_object(Eab_EventModel::POST_TYPE);
    		return current_user_can($post_type->cap->edit_posts);
    	function add_bp_profile_entry () {
    		global $bp;
    			'name' => __('Events', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN),
    			'slug' => 'my-events',
    			'show_for_displayed_user' => true,
    			'default_subnav_slug' => ($this->_check_permissions() ? 'organized' : 'attending'),
    			'screen_function' => '__return_false',
    		if ($this->_check_permissions()) {
    				'name' => __('Organized', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN),
    				'slug' => 'organized',
    				'parent_url' => $bp->displayed_user->domain . 'my-events' . '/',
    				'parent_slug' => 'my-events',
    				'screen_function' => array($this, 'bind_bp_organized_page'),
    			'name' => __('Attending', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN),
    			'slug' => 'attending',
    			'parent_url' => $bp->displayed_user->domain . 'my-events' . '/',
    			'parent_slug' => 'my-events',
    			'screen_function' => array($this, 'bind_bp_attending_page'),
    			'name' => __('Maybe', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN),
    			'slug' => 'mabe',
    			'parent_url' => $bp->displayed_user->domain . 'my-events' . '/',
    			'parent_slug' => 'my-events',
    			'screen_function' => array($this, 'bind_bp_maybe_page'),
    			'name' => __('Not Attending', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN),
    			'slug' => 'not-attending',
    			'parent_url' => $bp->displayed_user->domain . 'my-events' . '/',
    			'parent_slug' => 'my-events',
    			'screen_function' => array($this, 'bind_bp_not_attending_page'),
    	function bind_bp_organized_page () {
    		add_action('bp_template_title', array($this, 'show_organized_title'));
    		add_action('bp_template_content', array($this, 'show_organized_body'));
    		add_action('bp_head', array($this, 'enqueue_dependencies'));
    		bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('bp_core_template_plugin', 'members/single/plugins'));
    	function bind_bp_attending_page () {
    		add_action('bp_template_title', array($this, 'show_attending_title'));
    		add_action('bp_template_content', array($this, 'show_attending_body'));
    		add_action('bp_head', array($this, 'enqueue_dependencies'));
    		bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('bp_core_template_plugin', 'members/single/plugins'));
    	function bind_bp_maybe_page () {
    		add_action('bp_template_title', array($this, 'show_maybe_title'));
    		add_action('bp_template_content', array($this, 'show_maybe_body'));
    		add_action('bp_head', array($this, 'enqueue_dependencies'));
    		bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('bp_core_template_plugin', 'members/single/plugins'));
    	function bind_bp_not_attending_page () {
    		add_action('bp_template_title', array($this, 'show_not_attending_title'));
    		add_action('bp_template_content', array($this, 'show_not_attending_body'));
    		add_action('bp_head', array($this, 'enqueue_dependencies'));
    		bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('bp_core_template_plugin', 'members/single/plugins'));
    	function enqueue_dependencies () {
    		global $bp;
    		if ('my-events' != $bp->current_component) return false;
    		wp_enqueue_style('eab-bp-my_events', plugins_url('events-and-bookings/css/eab-buddypress-my_events.css'));
    	function show_organized_title () {
    		echo __('Organized Events', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN);
    	function show_attending_title () {
    		echo __('Attending Events', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN);
    	function show_maybe_title () {
    		echo __('Maybe attending Events', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN);
    	function show_not_attending_title () {
    		echo __('Not attending Events', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN);
    	function show_organized_body () {
    		global $bp;
    		echo '<div id="eab-bp-my_events-wrapper">';
    		echo '<div class="eab-bp-my_events eab-bp-organized">' .
    			Eab_Template::get_user_organized_events($bp->displayed_user->id) .
    		echo '</div>';
    	function show_attending_body () {
    		global $bp;
    		$premium = $this->_data->get_option('bp-my_events-premium_events');
    		if (!empty($premium)) {
    			if ('nag' == $premium) add_filter('eab-event-user_events-before_meta', array($this, 'premium_event_rsvp'), 10, 3);
    			if ('hide' == $premium) add_filter('eab-event-user_events-exclude_event', array($this, 'exclude_premium_event_rsvp'), 10, 2);
    		echo '<div id="eab-bp-my_events-wrapper">';
    		echo '<div class="eab-bp-my_events eab-bp-rsvp_yes">' .
    			Eab_Template::get_user_events(Eab_EventModel::BOOKING_YES, $bp->displayed_user->id) .
    		echo '</div>';
    	function show_maybe_body () {
    		global $bp;
    		echo '<div id="eab-bp-my_events-wrapper">';
    		echo '<div class="eab-bp-my_events eab-bp-rsvp_maybe">' .
    			Eab_Template::get_user_events(Eab_EventModel::BOOKING_MAYBE, $bp->displayed_user->id) .
    		echo '</div>';
    	function show_not_attending_body () {
    		global $bp;
    		echo '<div id="eab-bp-my_events-wrapper">';
    		echo '<div class="eab-bp-my_events eab-bp-rsvp_no">' .
    			Eab_Template::get_user_events(Eab_EventModel::BOOKING_NO, $bp->displayed_user->id) .
    		echo '</div>';
    	function premium_event_rsvp ($content, $event, $status) {
    		if (!$event->is_premium()) return $content;
    		global $bp;
    		$user_id = $bp->displayed_user->id;
    		if (Eab_EventModel::BOOKING_YES != $status) return $content;
    		if ($event->user_paid($user_id)) return $content;
    		$content .= '<div class="eab-premium_event-unpaid_notice"><b>' . __('Event not paid', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN) . '</b></div>';
    		return $content;
    	function exclude_premium_event_rsvp ($exclude, $event) {
    		if ($exclude) return $exclude;
    		global $bp;
    		$user_id = $bp->displayed_user->id;
    		if (!$event->is_premium()) return false;
    		return !$event->user_paid($user_id);
    	function show_settings () {
    		$tips = new WpmuDev_HelpTooltips();
    		$premium = $this->_data->get_option('bp-my_events-premium_events');
    		$options = array(
    			'' => __('Do nothing special', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN),
    			'hide' => __('Hide', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN),
    			'nag' => __('Show nag notice', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN),
    <div id="eab-settings-my_events" class="eab-metabox postbox">
    	<h3 class="eab-hndle"><?php _e('My Events settings', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN); ?></h3>
    	<div class="eab-inside">
    		<div class="eab-settings-settings_item" style="line-height:1.8em">
    	    	<label for="eab_event-bp-my_events-premium_events"><?php _e('Non-paid premium events with positive RSPVs', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN); ?>:</label>
    	    	<?php foreach ($options as $value => $label) { ?>
    	    		<br />
    				<input type="radio" id="eab_event-bp-my_events-premium_events-<?php echo esc_attr($value); ?>" name="event_default[bp-my_events-premium_events]" value="<?php echo esc_attr($value); ?>" <?php checked($value, $premium); ?> />
    	    		<label for="eab_event-bp-my_events-premium_events-<?php echo esc_attr($value); ?>"><?php echo esc_html($label) ?></label>
    	    	<?php } ?>
    			<span><?php echo $tips->add_tip(__('How to deal with non-paid premium events on user events list display.', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN)); ?></span>
    	function save_settings ($options) {
    		$options['bp-my_events-premium_events'] = $_POST['event_default']['bp-my_events-premium_events'];
    		return $options;
    class Eab_MyEvents_Shortcodes extends Eab_Codec {
    	protected $_shortcodes = array(
    		'my_events' => 'eab_my_events',
    	public static function serve () {
    		$me = new Eab_MyEvents_Shortcodes;
    	function process_my_events_shortcode ($args=array(), $content=false) {
    		$args = $this->_preparse_arguments($args, array(
    		// Query arguments
    			'user' => false, // User ID or keyword
    		// Appearance arguments
    			'class' => 'eab-my_events',
    			'show_titles' => 'yes',
    			'sections' => 'organized,yes,maybe,no',
    		if (is_numeric($args['user'])) {
    			$args['user'] = $this->_arg_to_int($args['user']);
    		} else {
    			if ('current' == trim($args['user'])) {
    				$user = wp_get_current_user();
    				$args['user'] = $user->ID;
    			} else {
    				$args['user'] = false;
    		if (empty($args['user'])) return $content;
    		$args['sections'] = $this->_arg_to_str_list($args['sections']);
    		$args['show_titles'] = $this->_arg_to_bool($args['show_titles']);
    		$output = '';
    		// Check if the user can organize events
    		$post_type = get_post_type_object(Eab_EventModel::POST_TYPE);
    		if (in_array('organized', $args['sections']) && user_can($args['user'], $post_type->cap->edit_posts)) {
    			$output .= '<div class="' . $args['class'] . ' eab-bp-organized">' .
    				($args['show_titles'] ? '<h4>' . __('Organized Events', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN) . '</h4>' : '') .
    				Eab_Template::get_user_organized_events($args['user']) .
    		if (in_array('yes', $args['sections'])) {
    			$output .= '<div class="' . $args['class'] . ' eab-bp-rsvp_yes">' .
    				($args['show_titles'] ? '<h4>' . __('Attending Events', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN) . '</h4>' : '') .
    				Eab_Template::get_user_events(Eab_EventModel::BOOKING_YES, $args['user']) .
    		if (in_array('maybe', $args['sections'])) {
    			$output .= '<div class="' . $args['class'] . ' eab-bp-rsvp_maybe">' .
    				($args['show_titles'] ? '<h4>' . __('Maybe attending Events', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN) . '</h4>' : '') .
    				Eab_Template::get_user_events(Eab_EventModel::BOOKING_MAYBE, $args['user']) .
    		if (in_array('no', $args['sections'])) {
    			$output .= '<div class="' . $args['class'] . ' eab-bp-rsvp_no">' .
    				($args['show_titles'] ? '<h4>' . __('Not attending Events', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN) . '</h4>' : '') .
    				Eab_Template::get_user_events(Eab_EventModel::BOOKING_NO, $args['user']) .
    		$output = $output ? $output : $content;
    		return $output;
    	public function add_my_events_shortcode_help ($help) {
    		$help[] = array(
    			'title' => __('My Events archives', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN),
    			'tag' => 'eab_my_events',
    			'arguments' => array(
    				'user' => array('help' => __('User ID or keyword "current".', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN), 'type' => 'string:or_integer'),
    				'class' => array('help' => __('Apply this CSS class', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN), 'type' => 'string'),
    				'show_titles' => array('help' => __('Show section titles', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN), 'type' => 'boolean'),
    				'sections' => array('help' => __('Show these sections. Possible values: "organized", "yes", "maybe", "no".', Eab_EventsHub::TEXT_DOMAIN), 'type' => 'string:list'),
    		return $help;

    Thanks in advance!

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  • shanebp


    Support questions for 3rd party plugins should be directed at the creator of those plugins – in this case

    Your posting above of code from one of their premium plugins is probably in violation of the terms of purchase.

    Max Zhubr


    Unfortunatly my membership finished long time ago, so I can’t ask support for help.

    Any ideas?

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