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Unable to create a group

  • @ictaanbieding


    Hi there,

    I’ve been looking for awsners all day but cant seem to find them.
    We use Buddypress on a new website and everything works fine, we love it and will start using it soon when the site goes live.

    Problem at this moment is when we head over to the group page, on the right site there is create new groep. Step 1 (works) Titel and description. After this step nothing works we only see go back, move forward button and no information or anything we can enter. When we click on go further we get an error (WordPress error do you wish to continue)

    after step 1 we get this:

    when we click continue nothing happends (WP error)

    I deleted the buddypress plugin and uploaded it again on FTP.
    I disabled all other plugins.

    Any idea?

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  • @danbp


    Have you setup a page for groups ?
    Have you setup pretty permalinks ?

    Configure BuddyPress

    Edit: modifed your topic title to something more accurant as Creating group doesnt work. Because it definetly works. 😉



    Wow quick reply thankyou 🙂

    Yes the group page exist

    permalinks are enabled (post permalink)

    Im lost to be hunest haha



    Activate wp_debug in wp-config and do a test with Twenty Twelve, Thirteen or Fifteen theme.
    Deactivate all plugins except BP and bbPress.

    Then report given errors here (without server path details if possible – just begin of error message and file name ).

    Other issues with same theme:

    OMG, lost in the forest… wouh hou !



    Lost in the forest indeed whaha, exiting tho!
    When debugging the only error I get is:
    Warning: base64_decode() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/admin/domains/ on line 137

    Any idea?

    I had this site with buddypress running on another server and it worked fine, so im starting to believe it might me a user right issue.



    This is a cookie issue. Question is “who disabled this?”.

    The BP code is:
    $bp->groups->completed_create_steps = json_decode( base64_decode( stripslashes( $_COOKIE['bp_completed_create_steps'] ) ) );

    Or you have a browser setting, or a cache rule, or some other security rule somewhere.



    could it be a issue on my own VPS? the VPS is a test location, I will move the site to normal webhosting when its done.
    but question is, does this issue prevents me from creating a group. Guess I need to test this.
    or find a sollution to fix my VPS



    works on a different server 🙂

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