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creating team with other members & friends in profile

  • @quinngoldwin


    Does anyone know if there is a plugin or coding I can use to create a team.

    Example : In the film world, people like working with the same crew members over a span of other films and projects. Not to mention this is also a great recommendation tool for other filmmakers, ie My A-List team, it will let other members know “this is who I trust, and I highly recommend them”. I’d like the team members to show up in profile if possible.


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  • @quinngoldwin


    Another way to word it so search engines and other bp members can find this post is, display other member profiles on your profile or create a list of other members with links to their profiles.



    @quinngoldwin – bp profiles already already come with a “friends” tab – which would do essentially what you are describing if the others have a profile in the system and they have accepted as friends. Then everything you are asking is already done with a default install.

    If others are not in the system, I guess they could upload a buddypress docs file with a list or something.



    Thank you @djsteveb

    I just thought of a different way to word what I’m asking for.

    Is there any way to add @ mentions in xprofile fields? I can make an x profile field called A list team and would like users to add “ie. @jonhdoe so users can be directed to the profile.


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