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Credential system for members of certain groups

  • @artisantopia


    HI! I have a multisite network with the latest versions of WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress on the main site. I have functionality I’d like to implement, but I’m not sure where to start! If anyone could point me in the right direction I’ll be eternally grateful.

    I’d like to add another page/area to the profile of members in a certain group. The forums are open to all members, but I want experts in the field to be identified as such. They will be added to an “Experts” group and then have the extra page/area where they can list their credentials. It would need to allow for unlimited text fields (to list their credentials) and possibly multiple file uploads so they can upload a scan of the credentials. The text fields will need to be searchable.

    I’m not sure what the best way is to approach this, so if anyone can give me some guidance that would be awesome, thanks.

    Ideally I’d also like to have a system that emails me if they haven’t completed their credentials within a set time frame after being added to the group, but this could come later.

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