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Crop image doesnt work in profile buddypress

  • @eduardof


    When changing the profile picture, I get a 1×1 pixel box to choose the area of the image that I want to show. I have Buddypress installed in the Avada theme.

    Is there any solution to be able to choose the profile photo area correctly?

    My Buddypress version is 6.1.0 and my Avada theme version is 6.2.3

    Crop image part of the bp-core-cssjs.php file in the / wp-content / plugins / buddypress / bp-core folder

    “// Get avatar full width and height.
    $ full_height = bp_core_avatar_full_height ();
    $ full_width = bp_core_avatar_full_width ();

    // Calculate Aspect Ratio.
    if (! empty ($ full_height) && ($ full_width! = $ full_height)) {
    $ aspect_ratio = $ full-width / full-height;
    } else {
    $ aspect_ratio = 1;
    } ”

    Thank you very much

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  • @farhatiuspalampe


    thanks for sharing



    In the end I managed to fix this error by disabling the BJ Lazy Load plugin in charge of the lazy loading of images so that my site loads faster.



    Turning off the Lazy Load functionality actually worked for me too! Thanks @eduardof

    I was using the functionality on one of my clients’ site via the JetPack plugin which can be turned off from [your-site-url]/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jetpack#/performance

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