Using bp 1.7.2 and wp 3.6-beta3-24306 on bp menu: Community / Join Community for BP links/urls.
Mabel commented while viewing the post at and this comment appears in the activity screen “Mabel commented on the post, Love Project 2013 North Carolina” – and the display is as I expect. Then Neil the commented on that activity within that stream twice.
I had thought that these comments on the comments from Neil would find their way back to the original post, too? But apparently not.
Doesn’t that make sense, or am I missing something?
The topic ‘Cross posting comments from the activity stream’ is closed to new replies.
11 years, 9 months ago
Using bp 1.7.2 and wp 3.6-beta3-24306 on bp menu: Community / Join Community for BP links/urls.
Mabel commented while viewing the post at and this comment appears in the activity screen “Mabel commented on the post, Love Project 2013 North Carolina” – and the display is as I expect. Then Neil the commented on that activity within that stream twice.
I had thought that these comments on the comments from Neil would find their way back to the original post, too? But apparently not.
Doesn’t that make sense, or am I missing something?