CSS alone won’t kill anything but padding and margins.
When in doubt, if you can’t retrace your own steps, you can always reinstall and start over.
i tried that. it strange, like buddy press dosen’t see the css at all.
check it out
hey,seems you are using the skeleton member theme ,which is a bare bone theme.and I think,That’s why the page is looking so.
Either you need to put your own css or activate b-member theme(not the sekelton)
Hope,It should help.
sorry,I mean try activating bp-member theme
looks like you got the buddypress skeleton theme enabled. Or you havent uploaded the child theme if youre using buddypress 1.1. Cuz that’s what it looks like to me, as im trying to study the new theme structure as well
Can i replace the skeleton theme css with my own…
hey thanks guys. sorry it seem like such a simple question.
The skeleton theme is a bare-bones HTML theme that exists for you to add your custom CSS to, so yes absolutely go nuts and edit until your heart’s content. 
I would suggest, however, that if you are new to BuddyPress, that you start off with the Release Candidate rather than 1.0. It will give you a head start on what is coming by the time you’re comfortable enough to go live.
thanks for your help guys