Custom CSS & Groups
I have skinned as much as I possibly can but I can’t seem to skin the groups styling without editing the bp-groups/css/ .css files. Can someone confirm this is my only option or am I doing something wrong. Thx.
Any css you put in custom.css overrides *all* css. Unless groups css is being loaded after custom.css and in that case it’s a bug and should be reported in trac. Don’t think it is though.
ul#group-list li, ul#member-list li, ul#blog-list li, ul#comment-list li, ul.item-list li { background: url(../images/message_thread_back.gif) top left repeat-x;}
That’s in ../member-themes/buddypress-member/css/groups.css. In your custom.css file you can change the ‘message_thread_back.gif’ to something else by overriding it in custom.css
ul#group-list li, ul#member-list li, ul#blog-list li, ul#comment-list li, ul.item-list li { background: url(../images/my_fav_message_thread_back.gif) top left repeat-x;}
This what you need?
that is exactly what I am doing, as in all css overrides I have done in this install. Oddly, none of my overrides of groups css will take even though custom.css is loaded last.
additionally, as an example, I changed the login bar
#search-login-bar a {
color: #ccc;
to black and it permeates the entire design…except the Groups page, which retains all of the original BP color scheme.
If you figure it out, please share!
I haven’t been able to skin the alphabet on the Members or Groups page.
I should have added that Members page won’t skin either. All the others do. Doesn’t make sense
I’m confused. We got 2 themes to work with here. The members theme and the home theme. Both have the ability to be skinned through the use of a custom.css file that overrides all css in bp for that theme. That theme only.
Each theme has a seperate custom.css file. One in the member theme area and one in the home theme area.
Everyone agree on that? This is what we’re working with right? Which theme are you two working on?
I am working with custom.css in both the buddypress-home > css and buddypress-member > css. And I can’t change that alphabet.
This is the members directory you are talking about? The css for that is in:
Exactly what are you two doing? Creating a new home or member theme skin or skinning the css so that it works within a standard wp theme?
Ah!!! I didn’t know there was css in there.
Burt, I can’t speak for Mike, but as for me…
I am skinning buddypress-home and buddypress-member themes, by using the custom.css in each themes’ css folder. Neither of which affect that alphabet.
Do you have irc? We keep posting around each other. Go to #buddypress on server. That will work better.
(sigh) she did it again…
There is also one for groups directory in ../bp-groups/css/directory-groups.css
No idea what you’re talking about.
Gotta go make popcorn for my kids right now so you have plenty of time to post while I’m gone.
ok. ya. it works better if im just talking to myself.
the fate of the universe hangs on the results of this thread and she’s making popcorn.
you’re not talking to yourself. the fate of my universe hangs in this balance as well.
Okay, I’m done! Let’s get back to work. I’ll humor you, Burt, and go to #buddypress.
Edited: couldn’t figure that out, for now, moving on to those css files…
I am aware of all the diff CSS files you just posted on. I just need confirmation on whether I need to do indiv mods of each because, right now custom.css mods do not seem to update either group or member pages . Now if we do have to go that route, I assume we’ll have to continually reload on every new ver or write a loader script to allow skinning
Burt, I got the alphabet letters to be blue instead of orange. Thank you.
Sorry I couldn’t figure out the freenode thing. I got a client and connected but was denied. I guess I don’t have a user account? Well, anyway, I’m happy with the forums. I’ll try to wait longer before I post, so you have more time to answer.
Thanks again for the help.
Editing on each and every update to bp is probably not productive to your sanity. If custom.css isn’t having any effect then either it’s not loading before the directory css or it’s not loading at all when the directory is run. In either case it’s either a design decision or just an oversight.
I was just kidding wardeh. That kinda thing happens all the time. Yes chat is better for interactive conversations.
I see what’s happening. The directories (member,group and blog) all have their own css files. When you access a directory it loads your theme css and then it loads the directory css. You’d have to ask Andy for sure but my guess would be that the reason is that the directories can be launched from any theme. Not just the bp themes.
If I’m running the bp home theme on a blog. The bp home theme loads the bp home theme css. If I’m running a normal wp theme on a blog then that theme loads it’s css.
The directories don’t know or care what theme they are running in. They have to be able to run in any theme.
I’d post in trac and ask for a mod that loads the directory css as part of the standard style.css/loader.php sequence. Everything else is getting loaded except that. Then your custom.css stuff will override the directory css.
People that are running a theme other than the bp themes will have to seek a different solution.
Burt – Thanks for the suggestive. Good call. I’m surprised this hasn’t come up before. You can skin the entire theme and then end up with a bunch of orange on a member page!
Mike, are you going to do this?
“I’d post in trac and ask for a mod that loads the directory css as part of the standard style.css/loader.php sequence. Everything else is getting loaded except that. Then your custom.css stuff will override the directory css.” — Burt
‘Cuz if you’re not, I will. I’ve just made a bunch of changes to the core css admin bar and the bp-groups.
Burt, I know you were kidding.
Hey, I appreciate your work here.
I’ll probably be chiming in on this soon enough. I’m working on a messaging issue then I’m planning on moving on to some theme tweaks.
Mike, I just looked at your theme and it looks really good!
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