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Custom CSS & Groups

  • Mike Pratt


    I have skinned as much as I possibly can but I can’t seem to skin the groups styling without editing the bp-groups/css/ .css files. Can someone confirm this is my only option or am I doing something wrong. Thx.

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  • Mike Pratt


    I did post a trac and in the meantime I made a few tweaks to the directory CSS files themselves which I will transfer to a custom.css if/when the load option gets implemented. All of my skin issues are fixed now. Onto Admin Bar and main nav menu mods!

    Thanks for the kind words!. I’m trying to make this thing dummy proof once I turn it loose on all the old Academy grads!

    Burt Adsit


    Mike: if you are gonna mod the adminbar may I suggest this? A plugin that does the work for you without modifying the admin bar code. Andy made some changes to the adminbar to make it possible to replace menu entries easily and add new menu items between existing menu options. I use a plugin to do this. Used to modify it every time a change came thru SVN and got tired of that.

    Here’s what I use:

    That’s a link to the code for a little plugin I use. What that does is it adds a new top level menu item ‘Community’ with the News, Members and all the other items that are available in the home and member themes as buttons.

    You’ll need to modify this for your needs but it’s an example of how to add a new top level menu item and all the drop downs. The function oci_get_community_blog_url() goes out and gets some site options I have installed in my root blog theme. I don’t run the home theme on the mu root blog. I run it on That menu gives access to the ‘community’ directories and recent activity. All the bp home theme stuff.

    More on the adminbar in this ticket:


    Thank you for sharing, Burt. I need this. :-)

    Mike Pratt


    Burt – You just eliminated hours of work I expected to do this morning. Now what am I going to do?

    Mike Pratt


    Burt – On a serious note – is there a reason the menu item “News” is labeled as such? It is just a listing of the main blog’s postings. In my use case, I have turned off the create a blog option as all site members will contribute articles to the main blog only (it’s not about them running their own blog and I don’t want to confuse the matter…just present them a chance to contribute more in-depth pieces. My intention is to just rename it something more logical but I also want to investigate whether it doesn’t do something else (i.e. some sort of filter )

    Kelly L Lockwood


    Hey all, first time poster in the BP forum, be gentle! I usually surf the forums before posting and seem to be able to figure things out, but I can’t with this one…and like always I imagine it’s as simple as the nose on my face!

    my site, on the groups, blogs, members pages I’ve figured out that it’s the “narrowcolumn” css that I want to get ride of…and I’ve looked for it in all the .css files that you all mentioned here..any thoughts? (course I have a 3 year old to disctract me so I may not of looked hard enough, even using “find”)


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