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Custom Development

  • @mattdotnet



    I’m trying to develop an integration among BuddyPress and VikAppointments for one of our customers. This is the first time I dig into the BuddyPress framework and I’m unable to figure out how the fields-data mapping works.

    I tried to use the bp_profile_field_data function, but I get an error saying the latter hasn’t been declared. Doesn’t BP use a sort of autoloader?

    I also tried to look at the database structure, and in the user meta table I noticed that the values of the custom fields are structured in the following way:

    meta_key | meta_value
    wbbpp_1715763478_1715763523 | Ford
    wbbpp_1715763478_1717482765 | Abarth

    What do 1715763478, 1715763523 and 1717482765 stand for? I’m unable to see those identifier in other tables used by BP.

    There’s also a wbbpp_userdata record containing a serialized version of all the custom fields. But the problem is that if I manually edit those details, the new values are not applied in the front-end.

    In a few words I would like to know:

    • How can I retrieve the user custom fields?
    • How can I update the user custom fields?

    I’ll be waiting for some clarifications.

    Best Regards

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  • @vapvarun


    @mattdotnet BuddyPress does not save profile field values inside the user meta
    you can fetch them using the following approach and sync them with your requirement

        $field_name_gender = 'Gender'; // Replace with your actual xProfile field name
        $field_name_location = 'Location'; // Replace with your actual xProfile field name
        // Get the xProfile field values
        $gender_value = xprofile_get_field_data($field_name_gender, $user_id);
        $location_value = xprofile_get_field_data($field_name_location, $user_id);



    Thanks for your reply. The problem is that I’m getting the following error message:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function xprofile_get_field_data()

    I’ve also tried to use the following code to auto-load the BuddyPress dependencies:
    require_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/buddypress/bp-loader.php';

    What’s the correct way to auto-boot BuddyPress?



    Ensure the BuddyPress plugin is active and add custom code in child theme functions.php or a custom plugin or using the code snippet plugin. xprofile_get_field_data is a valid function



    It keeps throwing the same error: The function does not exist. I’m already developing a plugin and I’m inside a init callback.

    Hasn’t BP been auto-loaded yet at this stage?

    I also tried to recursively auto-load every single file contained in the buddypress/ folder. But this is not enough as I encounter other dependency errors. Therefore there must be a function/method/class to invoke in order to properly set up the system.



    First, ensure that BuddyPress is loaded and initialized before your plugin tries to call its functions. Since BuddyPress hooks its initialization to WordPress bp_init action, which typically fires on wp or init at a priority of 10, you should ensure your hook runs after this or directly on bp_init with a lower priority (higher number).

    You can try to debug like this.

    function my_custom_buddypress_function() {
        if ( ! function_exists('xprofile_get_field_data') ) {
            error_log('BuddyPress xprofile component has not been loaded yet.');
        } else {
            // Your code here
    add_action('bp_init', 'my_custom_buddypress_function', 20);



    Nothing has changed. This is the code I’ve tried to use.

    function my_custom_buddypress_function() {
        if ( ! function_exists('xprofile_get_field_data') ) {
            echo '<pre>BuddyPress xprofile component has not been loaded yet.</pre>';
        } else {
            echo '<pre>';
            var_dump(xprofile_get_field_data('Targa', wp_get_current_user()->ID));
            echo '</pre>';
    add_action('bp_init', 'my_custom_buddypress_function', 20);

    And this is the output I received:

    string(29) “my_custom_buddypress_function”
    BuddyPress xprofile component has not been loaded yet.

    BuddyPress 12.5.0 is installed and active.



    You can mark this ticket as resolved. I figured out by myself how to retrieve the fields directly from the database.

    Thanks for your assistance anyway.

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