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custom slug via bp-custom makes menu icons disappear

  • @takuya


    When you change member/groups/blogs slugs via bp-custom, menu icons for each of them disappear. Is there way to keep the icons, but change the slug? Could this be fixed in the core?

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  • @burtadsit


    The menu icons in the member theme, the little bullets, next to ‘Activity’, ‘Profile’ etc. don’t change based on the member slug. They don’t have anything to do with it.

    They are defined in css and are fixed elements that get displayed as background images like this: url(../images/activity_bullet.gif) based on the location of the base.css style sheet.

    They still show up fine even after I changed the members slug to something else in bp-custom.php with the cache disabled in the browser. This is on the latest bp trunk.

    Are you using the default member theme? What version bp? Are those the icons you are talking about?



    r1324 is what I use. yes, the default themes.



    Are those the icons we are talking about?






    Then you are losing the icons for some reason other than the slugs.



    It can’t be. When slug is default it shows up. When changed, then not.



    i agree with this, we added css code to the custom css file to correct this, the problem is that it changes the css id to the custom slug, so its obviously not there



    Maybe I\’m not looking at the same icons you guys are. *Exactly* what icons? What change did you make hyrxx to override what css file?



    i changed the wire to comments so we added an extra class in for that, and the events icon wasnt working either aparently, not sure what the deal is though



    I’m talking about this from base.css

    li a#user-groups, li a#my-groups {background: url(../images/groups_bullet.gif) 88% 52% no-repeat;}

    This icon disappears when I change the slug from bp-custom. For example, when I change “groups” into “communities” without hacking any other files but bp-custom, the icon disappears.



    Ok, I solved this.

    When changing slugs, css needs to be hacked a little to show the icons properly. For example, when you change groups slug to communities in bp-custom like this:

    define('BP_GROUPS_SLUG', 'communities');

    You will need to find the following css entry from base.css locating at bp-themes/buddypress-member/css/.

    li a#user-groups, li a#my-groups {background: url(../images/groups_bullet.gif) 88% 52% no-repeat;}

    Copy above, create a file called custom.css if you haven’t done yet. Modify the css to:

    li a#user-communities, li a#my-communities {background: url(../../images/groups_bullet.gif) 88% 52% no-repeat;}

    And upload custom.css to bp-themes/buddypress-member/css/custom-components/

    That’s it!!



    thats exactly what i meant and how we fixed it



    HAs this been put on the Trac as a bug? I had a quick look but I couldn’t see it, so if you could write it up Socialpreneur that would be good thanks.



    Ok, I surrender. I was wrong. Yes, changing the groups slug does trash the icons. I’m thinking to myself “These people are nuts. I just changed the BP_MEMBERS_SLUG to ‘boysinthehood’ and nothing changed”. I picked the only slug that doesn’t have a dependency in the member theme css for an icon.

    The member theme\’s userbar does bp_get_nav() which generates the html for the user nav bar. The individual nav items \’css_id\’ is the slug for each component. You change the slug you change the \’css_id\’ in the nav menu.

    This isn\’t a bug really. Its a side effect of having the flexibility to actually change the slug. The component slug is the only site wide identifier for a component.

    I don\’t see any easy way around this. The css defaults to what the component default slug is. Which is \’groups\’. Changing the slug invalidates the css.



    Tend to agree with Burt on this one. Not really sure there’s a way around this.

    GJ Socialpreneur

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