Try posting what code you have on http://www.pastebin.com and providing the URL here because your code got stripped out.
Drat, I can’t get the actual code to show up in my question above, even though I’m sure there must be some obvious way to do it. All I’m doing is changing the default call to comments_template(), so that instead it links to my new comments form,
comments_template( ‘/comments-playgroups.php ‘, true);
Hope that’s clear enough!
Thanks for the tip! So,
is the line in my custom page template which is SUPPOSED to be linking to my custom comment form:
… and that didn’t work either. It was supposed to be a link to pastebin. Clearly I need a support forum to learn how to use the support forum. Apologies.
Create an account on pastebin.com and create a new paste and provide the URL for the paste here. This forum doesn’t handle php code to well at the moment so you will have to do it on pastebin.
11 years, 11 months ago
I want to have different kinds of comment forms for different kinds of post types, but I can’t manage to link the two together.
First, I created a custom post type, which is working fine. Then I created a custom page template (single-playgroup_page.php) to go with the custom post type, which is also working fine. Then I created a custom comment form (comments-playgroups.php) to go along with the custom page template.
This is the part that’s not working: I tried to link the two together so that the customized comment form would be used by the custom page template, by changing this line of code in the page template…
… to this line:
But the default comment form is still showing up. In fact, even when I comment out the line of code above, so that there is NO call to comments_template in single-playgroup_page.php, the default comment form is still showing up. I’m certain that my custom comment form isn’t even being accessed, because even when I put horrible code errors in it, the default comment form still shows up and nothing crashes.
Can anybody help? Thanks so much!