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Delete users via mySQL

  • @a608237


    I am just testing how Buddypress works from the backend. I registered a new user and it seemed to work fine. I try to delete the account by deleting the corresponding user row(s) from wp_users and wp_bp_xprofile_data. However, on the front end, when I try to create a new account using the recently deleted user, it alerts that the user name desired is already taken.

    How can I delete users using mysql?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • @shanebp


    Did you try also deleting the user’s data from the usermeta table ?

    Deleting users directly is always a bad idea.
    You need to duplicate everything that WP and BP does.



    i deleted that user’s rows from wp_usermeta also and it still says that user’s name is already taken during registration. I think I may have learned my lesson.. you wouldn’t happen to know where else I need to delete data to finally rid the user would you?

    Would you recommend testing the login/reg system by deleting accounts from the buddypress interface?

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