Hi @hlubi – Generally, the sidebar is controlled by the WP theme you’re using. See sidebar.php. You’ll likely need to make your modifications in that file (probably in a child theme, if you’re not already using one).
Exactly what modifications you make depends heavily on how you want the sidebars to differ. If you have a small number of groups, and you want the sidebar to be totally customized for each one, sidebar.php might look something like this:
if ( bp_is_group() ) {
$group_id = bp_get_current_group_id();
switch ( $group_id ) {
case 1 :
// group 1 sidebar
case 2 :
// group 2 sidebar
} else {
// existing sidebar code
You could even register separate sidebars for each group, so that they can be managed separately in wp-admin. (This solution obviously won’t work well if you have lots and lots of groups.)
If you just want to have some group-specific content in the sidebar, you can use BP’s “current group” functions in sidebar.php. For example:
if ( bp_is_group() ) {
$current_group = groups_get_current_group();
printf( 'This is the sidebar for group %s', esc_html( $current_group->name ) );
This way, you’d have the same *type* of data on each group’s sidebar, but the specific data would be pulled dynamically based on which group is being shown.
Thank you.
The most groups I would have is 50.
Each sidebar should be administered via direct posts individually.