Yep, like it too (and the 6 minutes set up
Just installed 1.2 on a fresh install and works nice so far. But I noticed that the new standard theme does not have a home theme (like the as was included before?
Will there be one later? It keeps me from switching my live BP site to 1.2 at the moment.
Cheers and thanks for the hard work in geting 1.2 out.
I don’t really understand what you mean. You can create a static WordPress page and set that as the home page under “Settings > Reading”.
great re-design, you are always out for a nice surprise
Very snazzy new design!
Really enjoying 1.2, especially the ability to use child themes.
Nice redesign!! Taking it to the next level!
Hi Andy,
I meant that there is no home.php template file as there was before, with some nice standard widget areas, making it easier to have a hmepage/landing page or whatever you want to call it.
But it is no big deal.
Ah, I just got a message from Modemlooper, as he already did something, thanks ML
Cheers, Harry