Hmmm – no one else experiencing this? It seems kind uf messed up to me. Also, when I filtered some members and there is pagination – it kicks the filter word after I hit page 2.
Before I updated my BP install last week, I noticed some similar odd search behavior. I, too, was running r1324 before I updated to the then latest trunk. After updating, the issue has gone away. I have not looked in trac to see if there was a specific bug that fixed this or if it was something else I did
However, if you have not yet read this article, you may find it interesting.
Google Custom Search for BuddyPress / WordPress MU
On my RC1 install, I experienced a similar issue. My blog install couldn’t find me, and I knew I existed (philosophy reference.)
I’m currently migrating a few sites over to the almost RC2 version, so I’ll know more about how this is working soon.
Ok – thanks! Because I will got live with the site VERY soon, I leave it for the moment and wait for the stable release (till now I was a trunkoholic
But thanks for your lines – that gives me hope
Hmmm – I upgraded to the latest trunk, but I am still experiencing the same issues with some profile-information not showing any members although those members have that information in the profile.
Any further ideas?
I now upgraded to RC2 and WPMU 2.7.1.
Still the same stuff. We just went live with our site and with all the new users I think the member-directorie (Groups and blogs are pretty much ok) doesn\’t work well.
1. How are the members sorted. It seems that it\’s not with latest active, not alphabetically etc.
2. Search is terrible. The Profile this way doesn\’t make much sense. When I type for my name \”Berra\” – it doesn\’t find it. Only \”Michael\”. Could it be, that it always just searches the first word in the profile? Could you test your install???
3. Pagination doesn’t work – I can click on “2” – but nothing happens
It could be, that somewhere I have a bug. But on my main-install and two test-install it acts like that…
Nr. 1 and 3 got solved – I didn’t update my custom member-theme correctly… But the main topic about the search is still hot and not solved