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Disable Alphabetical

  • @iaitamkeeper


    Hello, I have installed the BP plugin for a site we are using in place of an event app. It is located on a sub domain of our main site so when you choose to see members in alphabetical, you see all of the main site users and not just those that have logged into the sub-site. Is it possible to disable the alphabetical feature so that only the participants that have logged in to the sub-site appear in the listing? I am running wordpress 4.7.4 and BP 2.8.2

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  • @sbrajesh


    Do you want to remove the “Alphabetical” in the Order By dropdown?

    If you are using a BuddyPress specific theme, please look into yourtheme/buddypress/members/index.php and you will see the code there for this option. Just remove that.

    if you are not using a BuddyPress specific theme or your theme does not have this file, you can copy index.php file from plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members directory and put it in yourtheme/buddypress/members directory.

    then you can modify the file to remove the dropdown option.

    Hope that helps.


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