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Display activity from private groups to its members, DON’T display activity from public groups

  • @hysteriux


    Apart from no activity getting posted to the global activity stream when uploading pictures or making comments to them in the BP Album plugin, there’s little else to complain about the stream.

    That “little” in my case consists of the fact that there are no visible notifications on the Activity page when new activity has been performed in any of the private groups that you are in. The activity from public groups always gets posted to the global activity stream, including to people not in the groups which frankly is quite annoying. Sadly enough, the activity from private groups that you ARE a member of DON’T get posted to the global activity stream, meaning you have to keep switching between the “All Members” and “My Groups” tabs every time that you visit the website since there’s no indication of whether there is new activity or not in the tabs, which creates a lot of unnecessary clicking and server stress.

    There seem to be no middle-way at the moment and it’s terribly frustrating. Many members complain about seeing information from groups they have no interest in while others complain about how they keep missing out on information from their private groups since they forget to check them out since there is no notification about such activity. You can’t stop activity from public groups that you’re not a member of from showing up in the global activity stream, and you can’t see the activity from private groups that you’re a member of unless you check on its tab every time.

    I suggest that you add a personal per-member option to opt out of seeing information from public groups that you’re not a member of, individually and right next to the messages themselves in the global activity stream, as well as add a global option to always display activity from private groups to its members in their global activity stream that preferably is active by default.

    WP 3.3.1
    BP 1.5.4

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