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Displaying Buddypress User Forms Individually

  • @dietcheese


    I am attempting to integrate BuddyPress into a custom plugin.

    I would like to take certain BuddyPress sections (like Messages and Notifications) and give access to those forms so that a logged in user can compose messages, read/delete notifications, on my custom pages – not using the default BuddyPress pages (/messages/, /notifications/, etc), but using my custom pages.

    What’s the best way of approaching this? I’ve looked at endpoints, shortcodes, and Buddyforms but I’m not having much luck yet.

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  • @dietcheese


    Sorry to bump this. If anyone could just give me a lead, I would appreciate it!



    You need to look at the BP templates that have sections that you want to duplicate.
    The templates are here: buddypress\bp-templates\
    Unless you have good skills as a developer, it will be difficult to get your custom pages working properly.



    I am a developer. I’m able to copy and edit templates no problem.

    However, this doesn’t help as far as embedding and submitting the form components from an area outside BuddyPress.

    Perhaps it isn’t possible?

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