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Displaying User Role in bbPress

  • @katendarcy


    I’m using the Members plugin on one of my sites, and have created custom roles with it. When a user posts a new topic, or when they reply to a thread, I’d like to display the user’s custom role. Similar, actually, to what’s right here on the forums, but more like:


    Expert (<– User level)

    Posted 1 Day Ago

    Where would be the best place to do this? I don’t want to hack the plugin core, but I’m not exactly sure where to place the call. Thanks!

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  • @r-a-y


    First you’d need to find the template tag to output the custom role from the Members plugin (I’m assuming you already know this!), then in your child theme, copy over /bp-themes/bp-default/groups/single/forum/topic.php (keeping the directory structure intact) and add your Members template tag there.

    You can also modify the look and feel for your forum topics now as well.




    First you’d need to find the template tag to output the custom role from the Members plugin (I’m assuming you already know this!)

    I did, but I appreciate that. :)

    then in your child theme, copy over /bp-themes/bp-default/groups/single/forum/topic.php (keeping the directory structure intact) and add your Members template tag there

    Doh! Easy enough… thanks! I did a lot of reading a couple months ago, but I seem to have forgotten a lot of it! Really appreciate the help. Thanks!

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